About Us

Our team has more than 20 years of legal and financial expertise. Maintenance of the bankruptcy proceedings and complex asset management were the touchpoint of our professional union.

The group has been assembled step by step with outstanding lawyers who are truly professionals in different areas of law practice, such as: banking, securities market and financial tools, criminal law practice, tax consulting, investment practice, international law and aircraft business.

  • International Law

    We are very familiar with the commercial companies’ needs, involved in international trade and the realities of their economic activities. The scope of services provided by our lawyers includes full support of the client in a foreign jurisdiction: starting from issues related to the business creation and organization, its current activities, ending with the resolution of foreign law issues in the relevant state and arbitration courts of different jurisdictions.

    The success of international team of “DLF Consult” is achieved due to a world-wide network of high-quality partners and our own experience in litigation processes in the following jurisdictions: China, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, Spain, the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland and the USA.

  • Bankruptcy (Insolvency)

    Bankruptcy is not the end, but the beginning for everyone. The beginning of a new stage of management of the debtor and its assets for the creditor, and the beginning of a new stage of formation for the debtor.

    Being here, you should know DLF Consult as a leading team for legal support of bankruptcy procedures and comprehensive asset management.

  • International Taxation and Audit of foreign companies
    Tax law of foreign countries, tax schemes advice and examination, analysis of risks and evaluation of tax consequences, tax structuring of investment projects, transfer pricing, controlled foreign companies, holdings, contractual relationship in the context of VAT, excise and customs duties, import and export operations, taxation of securities transactions, financing schemes for business activity. Accounting support for business abroad, preparation and filing of financial statements, audit of foreign companies, consolidated accounts, GAAP, IFRS, VAT registration and filing, consultations on methodology and practice in different areas of foreign accountancy, participation in tax audit abroad.
Contact Us
Email: Info@consultdlf.com

Adress: Yegishe Charents st. 1 / office 210 CENTRON 0025 Yerevan Yerevan Armenia